Thumbs, Toes, Toilets, & Balls is a monthly podcast That is currently paused until further notice. The show explores obscure sports from around the world. Each episode features a new guest who never has any what sport we will be covering.
We here at TTTB have never been big fans of ironing our clothes. Now that we know about extreme ironing, though, things might be different for us. Extreme ironing is the act of taking your clothes, an iron, and an ironing board to extreme places and giving them a good press. What counts as extreme places? How about mountain tops, underwater, or in the sky while skydiving. There are no limits to extreme ironing just like there are no limits to the places we will go to find to most obscure sports around the world.
Get ready to get your hands dirty as this week I sat down with Matthew Howard and Emma Masaitis to discuss Worm Charming. Starting as a method for retrieving worms from the soil for fishing, in the 1980s worm charming evolved into a competitive sport as well. The techniques for this artform are endless as the worms in the soil.
Happy Halloween! Have you ever been in a boat and thought to yourself "this needs to be more agricultural"? If so, somehow, you're not alone. Join myself and Duncan Johns as we carve deep into the world of Giant Pumpkin Kayaking, explore the dark reasons why the Windsor Pumpkin Regatta in Nova Scotia was cancelled in 2018, and brainstorm ideas for our own giant pumpkin fleet. This is an 800 lbs episode you won't want to miss.
Have you ever gotten so angry at someone you were beyond punching? Do we have a solution for you. Angrily ask them to take their shoes and socks off, interlock your toes together, and battle them for all the glory in toe wrestling. Similar to arm wrestling but smellier and sweatier, toe wrestling is another favorite British pastime that started in a pub. Head over and follow us on Instagram and TikTok @tttbpod to see the video from this one, you won't want to miss it.
Red Bull Flugtag is like if you dared your really smart but underachieving friend and his 4 other unemployed engineer buddies to build a human powered flying machine and see how far it could fly. Teams of five work tirelessly to build a human powered flying machine and push it off a 30 foot drop over water in Red Bull Flugtag in order to win the respect of everyone around the world. There is no cash reward, there is no trophy, just the pride of knowing your machine flew for at least one millisecond and the hope of possibly beating the world record distance set by the Chicken Whisperers.
The Finnish have had a lot of good ideas including the dish rack, the heart rate monitor, Angry Birds, and even the first internet browser. These things are absolutely garbage compared to the invention of Earth's most important obscure sport: Wife Carrying. Brave women dare to climb onto the backs of their husbands in order to win their wieght in beer. Yes, that's correct. The fastest time wins the wife's weight in beer.
Is The Cooper's Hill Cheese Roll Britian's most extreme sport? That's for you to decide. I sat down with Eden Schiano this week to discuss what some people will do to win a free round of Double Gloucester Cheese. They'll chase it down an 18% grade hill in a fully out of control tumble. Bones will be broken, fun will be had, and cheese will be cut at this gravity-obeying obscure sport. Cooper's Hill Cheese Roll Official Website We Are The Champions | Official Trailer | Netflix Thrills and spills as Cheese Rolling 2023 leads to MULTIPLE injuries in Gloucestershire, UK
In our first episode of Thumbs, Toes, Toilets, & Balls George Gaston and Professor Jeff Halliday sit down and discuss the rules, history, and cultural significance of Chess Boxing.
Social Media Statistics
All social media statistics are taken over an 8-week period from 9/14-11/29
Tik Tok

Total Views - 12,088 Accounts Reached - 9,064
Total Impressions - 3,647

Total Likes - 352 Total Comments - 20 Total Shares - 67

Total Followers - 49
Total Followers - 36
Best HashtagS
Best Messages
"You could charm my worm any day" - @ABucketOfpaint
"I can barely iron my work shirts. Not even sure how you'd do that underwater" - @seanyoung
"Where am I" - @emiliocorrea
"I'm right here son" - @JUSTINREPOLI
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
S.m.a.r.t. Goal Predictions
By the end of eight weeks, average 250 TikTok views
By the end of eight weeks, average 10% engagement on Instagram posts
By week 6, have 30 Instagram followers
S.M.a.r.t. Goal Results
accomplished - 310 average views
Not accomplished - 4% average Instagram engagement
Accomplished - 33 followers by week 6